Marketing to schools is the daily blog of, the UK’s leading supplier of marketing services for companies that wish to advertise to school managers and teachers.
On this site we focus to a large degree (although not exclusively) on one prime question: “Why do some advertisements to schools work, and others not?”
In addition, if you want to dig further into this topic, you might also be interested in the book “The science and art of creating brilliant emails and websites that sell products and services to schools”
Also on this site we have published a few of the silly stories are sent to those who have used or enquired about our services. These little pieces are our way of helping refresh the brain when one is trying to think of new things to say. Such tales don’t tell you how to write an advert, but might just nudge the brain enough to take your thoughts in a completely new direction. And might occasionally make you laugh!
But back with the more serious items, here are a few pieces from a little while back that you might have missed.
Back to school after the pandemic
How to get teachers to believe in you and your products
- Selling is a process. How it works depends on the interests of your customers, not on the latest gizmos.
- How can some people regularly write ads that get mega sales, while others find it harder?
- Most firms never experiment with their advertising, which is why those that do can do so well.
- Why your product, your audience, and your advertisement need to match completely
- No one is going to buy from you unless they believe what you say. But how can you ensure they believe?
Making your web page No 1 on Google searches
The 4 Key Factors that affect your response rate
- What is the simplest way to see why an email ad has not worked as well as anticipated?
- How to ensure that every email to teachers really brings the response you want.
- Gaining sales from schools during this time of austerity for all
- What is the most cost effective way of gaining sales from schools during this time of austerity for all?
Why your product, your advertisement and your audience need to match
- Why is it that the skills that are used to sell things are rarely taught in schools?
- What cranberries have to tell us about how best to sell into schools
- What is the most effective way of reviving an established product
- Why the best employees are not the agreeable ones
The NORWAY Tales (for use if you require a little light relief)
- What is the difference between a sardine and a politician?
- What is the most effective way of grabbing your potential customer by the throat?
- The use of humour in marketing to schools
- The Norway Tales: What do you call a four fingered chocolate bar that isn’t a KitKat?
- The Norway Tales: When digital technology eats itself
School Finances
Latest news and developments in selling to schools
- Private nursery schools in the summer: a marketing opportunity
- They are not “that kind” of email: how generic emails are making a comeback
- Is there a way of writing to teachers which always, always works??
- How to avoid advertising costs: the benefit of “Payment by Results”
How to sell to schools: the overall plan
- The “5 steps to selling” approach is a classic. But is it still valid?
- The alternatives to advertising: how else to reach schools.
- Five emails to schools for just £215.00 and a guaranteed response.
- Successful selling to schools: the six steps
- What is the question that everyone has forgotten to ask
Selling to schools: the media
- The simple way to get people to read what you say
- What are generic emails and do they work?
- What is the best way to test postal mailing
- No email, no post, then what?
The way the message is written affects the level of sales
- The five key elements of a successful advertisement
- Successful adverts to teachers are written with teachers attitudes in mind
- How do you persuade the more hesitant teacher to buy
- Why common sense does not work when selling to schools.
- Be modest with your claims when selling to teachers
You might also find our sample advert and the commentary explaining how and why it was written that way, of help.
GDPR: how to sell to teachers in the wake of the new legislation
- GDPR and schools the latest developments.
- How are companies that sell to schools dealing with the new regulations?
- They are not “that kind” of email
- Please all see our free detailed reports on GDPR under Marketing to Schools: increasing sales, influencing choices
If you would like to know more about how we are daily helping many companies across the UK to selling into schools, please do have a look at our website at or call us on 01604 880 927 or email