Finding out why an email advertisement has not worked as well as one might have hoped is actually quite simple. As is changing the advertisement in order to make it work better.
This is because there are only four possible reasons why an email advertisement might not work as expected, and in each case it is very easy to spot which reason is the cause of the problem.
These four potential causes of difficulty are: the email list that is used, the method of transmission of the email, the text and layout of the email, and the text and layout of the landing page on your website.
Now what makes life easier at this point is that has worked for over 15 years studying this process, and with each email transmitted we produce statistical analyses showing what happens, every step of the way.
If results are not as good as hoped, we can often use our statistics to see why and improve matters, often at no cost to our customers.
So let’s look in a little more depth at the four elements that affect the result each time you send out an email to teachers…
1: The text and design of the email. The way the email is written and set out is of prime importance – and many of the unsolicited emails that you will see in your inbox will not follow the right approach. But it is always tempting to think that other advertisers must know what they are doing and so copy their approach. That’s not always the best idea.
2: The list that is used has a huge effect on response rates – and not all lists are equal. Everything depends on the quality of the data and the level of research involved – plus the backup media used to reach those teachers who don’t want to receive emails.
3: Transmitting the email is an issue – ideally your emails should go via a UK based server (and here caution is needed as many appearing to be British are in fact based overseas). The server should be recognised as reputable and not a source of spam.
4: There should normally be a webpage to which you send the reader who wants more information. The layout and style of this webpage can have a huge impact on the percentage of teachers who move on from there to placing an order.
If all four factors are working well, orders will normally come in. If not, it is worth considering what can often be a very simple change – and when this happens we always offer our help to our customers.
Indeed we often also send out a replacement email free of charge where the first one has not worked as well as hoped.
If you would like to see the lists we have on offer then the details are here. Or, if you would like to talk about this further, please call 01604 880 927.
Finally if you would like to send over a sample of what you are thinking of sending out and invite us to comment, free of charge, please do email
Tony Attwood
Finding out why an email advertisement has not worked as well as one might have hoped is actually quite simple. As is changing the advertisement in order to make it work better.
This is because there are only four possible reasons why an email advertisement might not work as expected, and in each case it is very easy to spot which reason is the cause of the problem.
These four potential causes of difficulty are: the email list that is used, the method of transmission of the email, the text and layout of the email, and the text and layout of the landing page on your website.
Now what makes life easier at this point is that has worked for over 15 years studying this process, and with each email transmitted we produce statistical analyses showing what happens, every step of the way.
If results are not as good as hoped, we can often use our statistics to see why and improve matters, often at no cost to our customers.
So let’s look in a little more depth at the four elements that affect the result each time you send out an email to teachers…
1: The text and design of the email. The way the email is written and set out is of prime importance – and many of the unsolicited emails that you will see in your inbox will not follow the right approach. But it is always tempting to think that other advertisers must know what they are doing and so copy their approach. That’s not always the best idea.
2: The list that is used has a huge effect on response rates – and not all lists are equal. Everything depends on the quality of the data and the level of research involved – plus the backup media used to reach those teachers who don’t want to receive emails.
3: Transmitting the email is an issue – ideally your emails should go via a UK based server (and here caution is needed as many appearing to be British are in fact based overseas). The server should be recognised as reputable and not a source of spam.
4: There should normally be a webpage to which you send the reader who wants more information. The layout and style of this webpage can have a huge impact on the percentage of teachers who move on from there to placing an order.
If all four factors are working well, orders will normally come in. If not, it is worth considering what can often be a very simple change – and when this happens we always offer our help to our customers.
Indeed we often also send out a replacement email free of charge where the first one has not worked as well as hoped.
If you would like to see the lists we have on offer then the details are here. Or, if you would like to talk about this further, please call 01604 880 927.
Finally if you would like to send over a sample of what you are thinking of sending out and invite us to comment, free of charge, please do email
Tony Attwood