Recent Posts
- How childhood aspirations can help with your advertising.
- How to write emails to teachers that really work
- Why questions don’t work
- Free email to schools
- Why are advertisements to schools tending to become more successful month by month?
- Why are advertisements to schools tending to become more successful month by month?
- Knowing how teachers choose what to buy is vital when planning a campaign.
- Free email as schools return
- Our websites don’t always show up on page 1 of Google searches. Does it matter?
- Back to school?
- What is actually happening in schools in relation to buying products and services?
- Details of the new government plan to reduce ill-discipline and bad behaviour.
- What you call you product or service can make a huge amount of difference
- Despite current government advice that schools should stay open, the schools themselves are preparing alternatives
- Confirmation that schools are responding to government cuts to funding by savings on staff
- Being seen as an expert in your field gives you an incredible advantage when it comes to advertising
- “Why would you send out adverts without charging people? Of course it doesn’t work.”
- What is the most effective way of increasing the readership of your advertisements without spending more money?
- If you are going to experiment with your advertising you will make occasional mistakes. But don’t let that stop you.
- Next term LA schools start to get extra funding from three sources. But how will they spend it?
- The font you use for your website pages can affect the responses you get.
- Why facts and statistics don’t always convince readers
- What is the most important thing that you should do with your website on a regular basis?
- Without a good subject line you may as well not bother writing the email at all!
- What is the best way to create sales emails and web pages that contain all the words that stimulate sales
- In these changing times, imagination is the prime sales tool that we have
- What is the biggest barrier that can stop you making a sale, and how can it be overcome?
- A huge increase in the number of mental health counsellors in schools represents a major opportunity for suppliers
- What is the one thing that you can do which is guaranteed to improve the response rate to your advertisement?
- How the simple fact of getting more visitors onto your website can help sales more than you might imagine.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
How childhood aspirations can help with your advertising.
Childhood aspirations are an important driver of achievement later in life: and they can help your advertising. by Tony Attwood As you can imagine, in my work with I get to see hundreds, indeed thousands, of advertisements aimed at … Continue reading
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How to write emails to teachers that really work
What’s wrong with this email? The email advertisement below introduces the writer and says what his company does. So what’s wrong? Here’s an unsolicited email I recently received… —————- My Name is John Greenfield, and I design great looking websites … Continue reading
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Why questions don’t work
Questions can help you make a sale when you are talking with a school manager. So why don’t they work in emails? If you talk to a potential customer in person, or on the phone, you’ll probably find yourself … Continue reading
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Free email to schools
A free additional email when you book in a 4-email campaign for the summer term As a general guide schools will be re-opening for the summer term around Tuesday 19 April. There’s a bank holiday on 2 May and a … Continue reading
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Why are advertisements to schools tending to become more successful month by month?
Are schools still buying? I was recently talking with the owner of a modest-sized company that sold to schools who said he’d decided to stop advertising for the moment, “until things settle down a bit”. His point was that he … Continue reading
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Why are advertisements to schools tending to become more successful month by month?
Are schools still buying? I was recently talking with the owner of a modest sized company that sold to schools who said he’d decided to stop advertising for the moment “until things settle down a bit”. His point was that … Continue reading
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Knowing how teachers choose what to buy is vital when planning a campaign.
So where do we get our information? We’ve all been to school, but our memories will probably be based on just two or three schools and biased by our own perceptions and behaviour at the time. As a basis for … Continue reading
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Free email as schools return
An extra free email to schools as they return when you book into a highly discounted promotional package. There is one way of ensuring that you make the volume of schools’ sales that you want this autumn term. And that … Continue reading
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Our websites don’t always show up on page 1 of Google searches. Does it matter?
By Tony Attwood It’s always struck me that people who email me, telling me that they can get my website onto page 1 in response to Google searches, are being a bit odd. I mean, if, as they suggest, being … Continue reading
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Back to school?
When schools re-open conditions are going to be different, and some firms will benefit As I write this I see there is a petition doing the rounds demanding that the government re-open schools sooner rather than later. Of course, governments … Continue reading
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