Free email as schools return

An extra free email to schools as they return when you book into a highly discounted promotional package.

There is one way of ensuring that you make the volume of schools’ sales that you want this autumn term.  And that is to advertise regularly and take advantage of a free advertising offer.

All schools will have their additional funding by the start of term and will be spending on re-establishing traditional teaching without the interruptions that have been so commonplace in the last 18 months.

This means senior school managers and heads of department will be looking for new products and services that will help them establish the “back to normality” approach, which many see as central to schools running smoothly this term.

Using the promotional service you can direct your emails to reach any senior manager or head of department you wish, in primary and/or secondary schools.

To book in four emails (which can be taken at any time) each aimed at one particular teacher, (such as The Head of Maths, or The Deputy Head etc) the cost is £215 plus VAT.

But as a bonus, we will also give you an extra email free of charge which can be taken up to 10 September, thus reducing the price to £43 per promotion.

What’s more you can change the teachers to whom you direct your email each time you promote, and of course you can change the advertisement itself on each occasion (or run the same advertisement again) – whichever you wish.

The same approach can be used with primary schools, with a free fifth promotion taking place before 10 September.  Here the cost is £289 which including the free promotion makes it £57.80 per email.

If you wish to get an even higher discount, this is possible through the six-email promotion – which again comes with a free additional email that can be taken before 10 September.

The price with the emails going to secondary schools is £295, and the price for primary schools £395.

Plus of course there is also our standard guarantee.   If you are not satisfied with the sales that you receive from your advertisement, then without any cost to yourself, we’ll take a look at your promotion, suggest ways in which it can be changed, and if you agree, send out the remodelled version free of charge, so you can compare response rates.

Finally, if you would like to have a few thoughts on how the way you write your advertising can affect your response rates, you might find our website helpful.

To make a booking or to check through any of the details, please email or call 01604 880 927.

Tony Attwood


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