As my colleagues and I talk with our clients each day, we do hear a wide range of feelings about emailing teachers at this moment.
From bullishness when a firm sees its competitors stop advertising and it starts to pick up orders that might otherwise have gone elsewhere, to concern over the feeling that schools are sitting on their money, waiting to see what happens to the political landscape.
Of course, one answer to this is that come next term the LA schools will have to spend what remains of their 2019/20 funding, including money they have saved on salaries where they have not been able to appoint teachers.
But even so, we do understand that some firms are concerned about what the future holds. And it was for exactly this sort of situation that we created “Payment by Results” advertising.
In simple terms, we run your advertising at no charge at all. At the end of each month you tot up the amount you have taken as a result of our advertising, and then 30 days after that you pay us a commission at an agreed rate.
How much that commission is depends very much on what you are selling, and how much it costs. We work out our proposed commission rate individually for each product and of course agree the cost with you before the advertising starts.
These rates can be anything from 5% to 40% depending on the product and its cost, and of course the contract can be cancelled at any time.
That means that if you are getting so many orders that you realise it would be better for you to stop PbR and move over to conventional advertising at a fixed price, you can do that straight away.
If you think this approach could work for you, just send an email to with details of the product or service you sell, and how much you charge, and we’ll come back to you within a day or two with our proposed commission.
And in case you’ve not come across PbR before, I would add we’ve been running it for around 20 years, and a significant number of companies have used the system as a way of testing the market before going over to a paid-for campaign.
I do hope you will consider the possibilities this unique service provides. Although we can’t give a commission rate without seeing details of the product or service you offer, we are as ever happy to chat about this approach in general. Please do call 01604 880 927 if you have any questions.