If you are looking to reduce your advertising costs, or if you have no idea whether your particular advertisements will work or not, then there is an advertising service which reaches teachers but costs you nothing.
This service, which has been running for over 15 years, allows companies to have their advertisement sent out to teachers using the Schools.co.uk databases, but without any cost.
Each company writes its own advertisement (although we can offer help and advice if required), and schools place their orders with you in the normal way.
The only particular requirement we have is that you are able to see which sales are coming from the advertisement we are sending out and which from elsewhere. If you are only using our service to advertise, that is not a problem. Otherwise you will need a different email address or code number to see where each order comes from.
Then at the end of the month you write to us and say how many items you have sold. We then invoice you at the agreed rate of commission. You pay that commission one month later. Which means that you’ll even have time to gather in the money due from schools by the time our commission is due.
We have no time limits on this service: if you feel that you would be better off paying us our regular fee for advertising via email, you can stop using the “Payments by Results” service and move over to one of our other services. Or indeed stop advertising with us completely.
If, however, sales are disappointing but you want to continue, we’ll happily give you advice and help on how the promotions could be improved.
Because each product and service has its own unique properties we can’t say in advance how much commission we’d want on a product or service – although obviously, with hundreds of firms having signed up to use our Payment By Results service, we are used to setting commission rates that are attractive all round.
So the best way forward is simply to email Stephen@schools.co.uk in confidence with details of your product or service, including if possible a recent advert – along with details of how much you charge schools. We’ll come back straight away with details of our commission rate for your particular product or service.
Then if you want to proceed, we start the advertising.
And there’s one extra bonus. There is no long term contract. You can cease using Payment by Results advertising at any time you wish.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Tony Attwood