Email lists are very inexpensive to purchase, but do they still bring in the orders?  

By Tony Attwood

No one would ever suggest that using email lists that are addressed to the school office are as effective as email lists that go directly to a person, but they still have their uses.

Perhaps the most effective way of using such a list is to offer something free.  If the fact that there is a free offer is put in the subject line then the school administrator will see this and be more inclined to pass it on.

Thus the subject line might say “Attn: Head of Maths – free report on raising GCSE grades” or whatever is applicable.

If then your email directs the teacher onto a web page which explains what is available and asks them to apply for the report you will find that most teachers will apply from their personal school email address – allowing you then to get into direct contact with them.

Thereafter you can then quite legitimately write to teachers at their personal address, and continue to build that list if you can offer other free reports.

Of course you don’t have to offer a free report – you can sell directly from a generic list although sales can be lower.  However you should make sure that the key rules I have been stressing in recent notes are followed. That is:

  1. You send via a server that is UK based and recognised as valid

  2. You have a text and layout on your email which is known to work in attracting and holding attention

  3. You have a unique landing page for your product or service the design of which takes the reader seamlessly from the email to the order form

  4. You keep the generic list up-to-date. can provide you with a list of all the primary and secondary schools in the UK excluding those that have specifically asked to be removed.  The cost is £74.95 and you can use the list as often as you like.​

The data comes as a spreadsheet and separates primary schools from secondary schools and allows selection by county, and of course includes the email address.

Alternatively we can undertake the emailing for you using the list and our server.  The cost, including detailed reports of what happened to your email are:

22,277 Primary schools: £175

5,000 Largest primary schools: £75

4,822 Secondary schools: £75

The price includes use of the list (so there is no need to buy the list of addresses), transmission via a UK based server, and a report.  Plus, if you want to talk through any element of your promotion such as the landing page or email text and layout, we can do this for free.

So, if you want to discuss any part of this approach (for example by having a written review of your web page or email) we’ll happily do that without charge.  Just call 01604 880 927 or email  Or call 01604 880 927.

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